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Butterscotch Sauce
This recipe makes a large batch of velvety sauce. Pour into pretty canning jars for gift giving.

Creamy Mustard & Dill Sauce
This lemony dill sauce has a hint of mustard. Save any leftover sauce to spread on sandwiches another day.

Hot Fudge Sauce
Make a double batch, to pour over toasted pound cake or your favorite ice cream.

Madeira Gravy
DJ Chef Marc Weiss, food editor for The Best of Long Island Restaurants magazine tops the perfect turkey with this complimentary gravy recipe.

Mama's Marinara Sauce
This sauce is fabulous with fish, scallops, shrimp, boiled chicken, etc...

Sweet Ginger Rub
Use every last bit on 1 1/2 to 2 pounds of steak. Serve extra soy sauce on the side, if you like.